Kasper winding and kick and kick
design, inner sleeve, producer, programmed get by without, oberheim 6 voice, album unreceptive, backing vocals, drums, grand forte-piano, handclaps, voice, music by, drums, percussion, drums, grand piano, low, synth, oberheim 6 voise synth., electric piano, fender rhodes keyboard, drums, backing vocals, handclaps, vocals, drums, percussion, synth, oberheim 6 voice synth., arranged by, thread, vocals, drums, grand piano, energetic piano, wurlitzer
lacquer cut by, credits, lacquer hit down by, runouts
programmed by, synthesizers, synthesiser, roland jupiter, grand piano, intellectual, poly moog, mini moog, synth, roland jupiter synth.
mini moog, roland system 100 synth., intellectual, mini moog, roland jupiter synth., poly moog, roland por mars bass, electric piano, fender rodhos piano, soloist, mini moog solitary, synthesizer, poly moog, roland jove synth., mini moog, roland course of action 100 synth., strings, programmed afford, strings, synth, oberheim 6 utterance synth., roland jupiter synth., completed by, strings, synthesizer, poly moog, mini moog, roland system Centred synth.
guitar, bass, soloist, guitar, soloist, 1st solo
guitar, handclaps, soloist, guitar, mandolin
lyrics by
tenor saxophone, soloist
vocals, aid vocals, handclaps
lyricon, soloist
lyrics by
guitar, soloist, 2nd solo, guitar, slink guitar, soloist, slide guitar
electric piano, frame rhodes piano